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Robert from Florida, USA

Topic: Herpes
Date: 9th January, 1999

About a month and a half ago I got a healing session from Denis. I'd had an extremely severe and constant case of herpes for the last 20 years. I'd been able to control it with medication, but if allowed the medication to lapse, the herpes would return in full force.
Since the healing my case of herpes has diminished by about 90 to 95 percent. I can still get a flare-up if I miss the medication, but it's quite mild by comparison. The amount of medication I need to use now is only half of what it used to be.
I'd tried other types of psychic healing before, but this is the first time the results held constant.
I'm looking to get further sessions from Denis. I feel the entirety of the disease can be reversed with his healing method

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